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One of the few surviving churches in Berlin after WWII.

A very popular cafe as well as a great black market during the divided Berlin era.

Charlentenburg, built by 
Freidrich I.

A statue outside the art museum.  We all thought it was a real artist.

The Victory Tower was constructed for Germany's three victories under Bismark.

A monument dedicated to Bismark.

The road leading up to the Brandenburg Gate.

The chariot atop the gate.  During the time of the Nazis it was facing out of the city.

Berlin had many beautiful gardens.

Checkpoint Charlie

The last remaining part of the Berlin Wall.

The German Parliament building, the Reichstag.

A giant mural at the entrance to the Reichstag.

Me, at the top of the Reichstag.

Other members of our group at the top.  Notice all the rebuilding going on.

The Germans seem a little more open than we are.

The Chinese Tea Room at the Potsdam palace.  Yes, that is all gold on the outside of the building.

One of the many gardens at Potsdam.  When it was constructed, ruins were the "in thing".

Another of the gardens.

Potsdam was entirely self-sufficient, complete with its own windmill.

Here we are preparing to leave Berlin.

We stayed at a youth hostel while in Berlin.  They are cheap, and some like this one, very nice.